Knauf DriTherm Cavity Slab

Crown DriTherm Cavity Slabs are semi-rigid or rigid slabs of non-combustible glass mineral wool with a water-repellent additive.
They are 455mm wide to suit standard vertical wall tie spacings, ensuring a closed joint with adjacent slabs. Crown DriTherm Cavity Slabs have a special additive to make the product water repellent and are produced in three grades.

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Earthwool Dritherm Cavity Slabs are semi rigid or rigid slabs manufactured from non-combustible, water repellent glass mineral wool. Manufactured at 455mm wide to suit standard vertical wall tie spacings ensuring a closed joint with adjacent slabs. The 50mm and 65mm Dritherm 37 Standard are manufactured respectively to 0.035 W/mK and 0.036 W/mK lambda respectively. The higher specification allows the thinner 50mm and 65mm materials to achieve a robustness normally associated with thicker materials and allows for easier installation. Earthwool Dritherm is desaigned to fully fill the cavity. Earthwool Dritherm Cavity Slabs represent no known threat to the environment and have zero Ozone Depletion Potential and zero Global Warming Potential.

Additional information

Dimensions 120 × 45.5 mm

50mm, 75mm, 100mm

Technical Information

Technical information on this product can be found by downloading the manufacturer data sheet from the options below.